
Margherita is a lawyer with an international background. After her studies at the University of
Parma, she continued her academic education by obtaining the title of Magister Juris at the Georg
August University in Göttingen, and is currently a doctoral student at the Albert Ludwig University in
Freiburg i.B. Over time, she has also had the opportunity to study at the London School of Economics
and Political Science and at the University of Insubria.
She worked in law firms in Italy and Germany, where she mainly dealt with civil and commercial law
and intellectual property, especially cross-bording between Italy and Germany. Further, she worked
at Rete Italdesk, supporting startups dealing with digitalization and wanting to approach new
markets in internationalization processes.
Out of personal as well as professional interest, she has turned her attention to the regulation and
technology of distributed ledgers (DLT), including through a course on Smart Contracts at the
Università della Svizzera Italiana, and by participating in the 'DLT Talent' mentoring program at the
Blockchain Center of the Frankfurt Management School.